
Sunday, December 25, 2011


My mom and dad said that we can open presents when they are in the room but he has to wait until 5:30!!!

GRRRRRR,.... see my moms nice just not him,....     My moms awake but he is nooooot.,........

We have so many presents under the tree right now,.... yeah, so i will keep you updated after my dad wakes up and there is no more presents under the tree.... Happy reading!!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

My wonderful hair! (not)

Right now i just took a shower and now i am out. My dad had to leave because when my mom was brushing out all of the knots, i was yelling and every five seconds or so, i would say "Wait!" or "Stop!" Now she is blow-drying my hair....
   Not turning out so good.... 10:45 and we are suppost to be at my basketball  game at 11:30,.... wish me luck for 2 reasons

   This Baketball team is really good, and that we will probably be late.....

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Right now I am in Vermont and I am in my Uncle Adams house.
His girlfriend Cristina is downstairs with me and my dad and my mom and David
While he goes up and sleeps in his comfy bed while his sweet little niece is downstairs
Waiting for a big Bear hug.
Well today we are going to have breakfast, then wait for people to wake up,
Then we will probably go visit Grampy Cutler and Grammy Liz and stay there for at least and
Hour or something....
Them I have really no clue what we are going to do....
Everyone is talking about something right now and I think they are talking about me,...
They're smiling, did looking at me, and now there laughing!!!!
Well I'm going to have to ignore them and just not look at them,.. Well I have to go
Bye bye

Monday, October 10, 2011


Well, really like last month, me and my cousins had a cook-out and i got out my video camera and I took vids and pics of everyone and at the end i put it all together and made it into a very funny movie. 
    We had yummy corn and delicious steak.
 It was awesome.....


Sunday, September 18, 2011


Hey readers,
   sorry i havn't been writing on my blog.... i've been doing a lot of other exiting things to write on it!,.... but i forget to write on it.
       A couple of weeks ago, me and my family went up to a camp with a big pond that had fish and frogs in it, and it was up in camden.
       We went all up and around town and stopped into a lot of stores. We saw some really interesting things there too!
  We also stopped down to the harbor to find seaglass on the beach.
                   i had a really good time and thank you Debbie and Dawn for
       letting us stay!!!

                          lya (love you all)  and can't wait to see you!!!


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Baseball, Baseball, Baseball,.....

My brother David, had to sign up for allstars, i mean it's like taking up my whole summer so far!!!
          So today, we had 2 games and the first one started at 10:00 AM, and it is like an hour and a half there, so we had to wake up at 7:00 AM and meet at Hannaford 'till everyone was there. So that took a half an hour.
            When we got the it was 9:30. We had our first game and we won!
 then it was 12:00. And we took a lunch break in the shade with the team.

        After we had our last game, and it was 1:00, and half into the game, almost everyone didn't feel good because of the heat. So they all got in a line and they got spayed by the hose that the had there. And then they kept playing.

    After the game. I noticed that i lost one of my earring when we just left the field, but we were all so hot that we had to stop and go in the water. So we stayed there for about 20 minutes and then went to Subway for a sandwich.   After that we went back to the field and looked for my earring. Right when we all started, my dad looked right where we were sitting and of course,.... found it.  

  I had a fun time, but i am NEVER going to games that far, and that hot, and that LONG,.....

Friday, July 15, 2011

happy birthday!!!

Erhan is turning 20 today!!!    well, yesterday, but i forgot to write,....


                                 have a good day Erhan and we all are so glad that you were here for it!

plus,  we have had my cousin madison all the way from Maine to Germany, for   7 months,

 and yesterday, she came back and today we are all going to see her at the house and go swimming!!!

 In this picture is her and my aunt kelly!    ilyg

Monday, July 11, 2011


     I had a sleepover with my cousins Maeve and Maren a couple of days ago and we had a blast! My mom would let us watch a movie and after, just talk about stuff.   So I told them all scary stories that i have read in a book, and we all got freaked out so we went under all of our blankets, and we heard the door open, and we pulled then down enough so that only our eyes could see, and there was the door, wide open, (it was closed before) and we all screamed. Then we all heard something running down the stairs and we all put the blankets over our head and we didn't even notice that David was gone, and someone came into our room, and it had to be David! We all laughed and that was the funniest thing that happened that night!!!    HAD A LOT OF FUN WITH U GUYS!!! <3 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July

Hey guys!!!
     Well today, is the 4th of July!!! My whole family and me was going to
go to Macworth Island and watch the fireworks but my mom was sick :(
   But instead, we all stayed home and we lit sparkerlers and my mom
                                    took pictures of us, (me and david)

have a happy 4th of july everyone!!! <3

Saturday, July 2, 2011


I'm sure you have all heard about my cousins exchange student from Switzerland. But if you haven't, he is this guy named Erhan and he is 19 (almost 20) and well, he just came back again to my cousins house!!! Sadly, they just found out that he has a fever,.... But hey! at least it's good that he's here!!!
             Yup, so he's gonna stay home while me, David, Maeve, Maren, Maybe Maggie, Luke, Ben, my Mom, my Dad, and Aunt Stephanie, all go to the beach tonight for lowtide!!!


Thursday, June 30, 2011

strawberry picking


Today, me and all of my closest cousins went strawberry picking (i forgot where) and we got a ton of them!!! after we all went to the beach and swam in the water and went boogy boarding also!!! i had a very fun time!!!
      love you ben and luke and of course
                Maeve and Maren and maggie!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Today i went shopping with my mom and got my first danglies!!!  They are adorible and my mom took
                             these pictures of me and they are pretty good!
   I'm also wearing my new bikini!!! matches my eyes too,....



Sunday, June 26, 2011

Swimming!!! :)

Today,  I went to my cousins house and did a ton of swimming and going in there hotub and had hamburgers and hotdogs! Then at the end of the day, we had a slow,.... dance party!!! :)


Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday to my Uncle Chris,
            Today he is turning 47 i think that's what my mom said,
    and we are going to go to his house today for his B-DAY!
                        With hot dogs and cheeseburgers.
   Wish me luck that i feel good! 
         I'll write tomarrow <3
                                               Lydia <3


Saturday, June 25, 2011


              Well, today at 9:00 we went to a parade in Standish!!!
                              We got a TON OF CANDY!
       I (and david) got sweettarts, butterfingers, smarties, like 50 lollipops,
               Dots, Tootsie Rolls, Bubblegum, Laffy Taffy, Starbursts,
                        Jolly Ranchers, and a ton more good stuff!!!
              We also saw some of my moms friends like Betty Edwards
                                     who was grand marcheal,
                              and Eric Hodges, who was in a fire truck!
                                       It was very very fun!!!


Friday, June 24, 2011

Good Morning From Lydia!

Today i am sooo tired! i can't even walk! i woke up at like 10:00 this morning!
      This song will represent how i don't want to do anything this morning!!!

     P.S this song does have a bad word in it so put the music on low!!!   This is one of my favorite songs!!! just not the bad word...


Thursday, June 23, 2011


   Well today was the first day of summer and since then i have been sick. Yes sick the whole entire time. and today i am STILL sick.
                                          We haven't figured out what i have yet but i will soon have a doctors app.
                    My goals this summer is to go:
                      Aqua Bogin,
                       The Beach 4 Times,
                       Go Camping,
                       Go to a Pool 4 Times,
                      Go To My Cousins House 6 Times,    P.s here is a song for friday (3 days ago) the begining of summer!!!

                                               Plus i hate this song but other people LOVE it  tell me if you like it!!!



                                                                                    FUN PARTY!!!


 My name is Lydia! My favorite food is a lemon and my favorite color is yellow.
    I have 5 chickens and i just got 4 baby chicks. I also have 2 baby ginihens!!!
         I have one brother named David and a mom and a dad. I love to go to parades and dunkin donuts!!!
                      I also like to swim, play softball, basketball, tennis, and bad mittin.
               I'll write tomarrow and tell u what i did!!!
                                                                                   Lydia <3